Welcome to DINKASSA.SE for Developers

As we have recently released the first public version of our REST API this site is simple, focusing on the API itself. We will be improving it over time. You should rest assured that we are focusing on providing the best possible development experience for integrating with ES Kassasystem.

Contact information

api@eskassa.se. Contact us for questions related to the API and its relationship to the POS system. For general POS support please see ES Kassa support.

How does it work?

POS: ES Kassasystem 7 software
API: Dinkassa.se REST API
Cloud: Dinkassa.se Cloud

Changes made with the API will commit instantly to the cloud. When the POS starts its synchronization it will download the changes, and upload its own changes to the cloud servers. There is two possible synchronization times, for dinkassa.se Pro+ synchronization takes place every two minutes or immediately following a sale for transaction and stock information. For dinkassa.se Pro synchronization takes place every 30 minutes. The API never connects directly to the POS system and works independent of if the POS system is running or not. If a POS system was off when API changes were made the changes will be synchronized with the POS system as soon as it starts up again.


Integrating with the ES Kassasystem REST API is free for integrators. Customers of the POS pay an additional fee for connecting a POS system to the API.

Useful external links

API Reference










